Evidence Synthesis to Inform Clinical Management of Concussion (30 min)
Approximately 25% of people with concussion experiences persistent symptoms. There is a need for physiotherapists to optimally and effectively implement evidence in their clinical practice especially for slow-to-recover patients following a concussion. This session will help participants to become familiar with the interdisciplinary clinical management of concussion using various recent evidence regarding evaluation and therapeutic interventions. There will be a focus on the most common associated physical impairments found in this population (cervical, vestibulo-ocular, autonomic/exertional tolerance and motor function impairments). Evidence of the diagnostic accuracy of common diagnostic tests will be explored. Secondly, the principles of therapeutic intervention will be discussed. In this part, participants will be able to appreciate intervention programs informed by the most recent evidence following slow-to-recover concussion. Practical rehabilitation exercises specific to the complex case will be demonstrated. The content will be delivered in the form of a dynamic and interactive lecture focusing on clinical classification of complex concussion cases and evidence around treatment options to improve symptoms and function.
Pierre Langevin completed his physiotherapy training at Université Laval, Quebec, Canada, in 1997 and gained his Canadian IFOMPT credentials in 2002. He holds a Master of Clinical Science from University of Western Ontario completed in 2010. He is currently completing PhD on clinical intervention of the neck and vestibular system on mild traumatic brain injuries. Pierre is the co-owner of Physio Interactive and Clinique Cortex. As a Clinical Professor and lecturer in physiotherapy at Université Laval, he has taught in that program since 1998. He is sharing his professional time between clinical work, mainly with neck and back pain patients, teaching and engaging in clinical research on back and neck pain. He is an instructor, examiner and the Credentials Chair for the Canadian Physiotherapy Association Orthopaedic Division. He has published scientific peer-reviewed papers and has been presenter of scientific posters and podium presentation in provincial, national and international congress. He holds 2 post graduate courses on evidence-informed practice for neck pain and concussion. Finally, he has received the 2017 Excellence award and the 2020 interprofessional Quebec Council award of the Ordre de la physiothérapie du Québec.