Clinical Reasoning and Current Concepts of the Foot and Ankle

Presented by Greg Alcock

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the latest epidemiology related to foot and ankle pathology
  2. Appreciate the evolution of current clinical reasoning models
  3. Gain foundational knowledge of functional anatomy, alignment and biomechanics that can be applied clinically in a practical manner.



Greg Alcock ,MSc (PT), BHSc (PT), BA Hons (PE), Dip. Manip., FCAMPT

Greg is an adjunct clinical professor and lecturer in the Kinesiology Faculty and School of Physical Therapy at Western. He is an examiner and mentor in the Canadian Physiotherapy Association’s Orthopaedic level system, and clinical instructor in Western’s MCISc program. Greg is the Clinical and Research Coordinator for the Physiotherapy Department at the Fowler Kennedy Sport Medicine Clinic, a Fellow of the Canadian Academy of Manual Physical Therapists. Greg’s graduate work was focused on foot and ankle injuries, prognosis, prediction and evaluating outcomes. His 20 plus years clinical practice in this area has shaped a clinically relevant and practical perspective to this topic of foot and ankle injuries.